Information & Presentations

Thank you for your interest in Presbyterian colleges and universities. You can use this form to order materials for your church/organization that create awareness of the many opportunities available to college-bound students across our network of schools.
For each item, just indicate the quantity you would like to order. If the options for quantity do not match your need for a particular item, just note your preference in the comments box at the bottom of the form.
You can also use the form to request a presentation on the college admission and financial aid process. This presentation covers the key aspects of selecting a college and addresses basic information about cost and financial aid. Note that the presentation is general and not specifically focused on Presbyterian-related options. It can be delivered online as a Zoom meeting or in-person if the logistics can be arranged.
If you have any questions or concerns about materials, or would simply like to discussion Presbyterian higher education in general, please contact Jeff Arnold, Executive Director of the APCU. Jeff has an extensive history in higher education, including significant experience with college admission and financial aid.